The Top Five Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Whether you have back pain with no identifiable cause or you’re simply tired of recurring headaches, a chiropractor could help to alleviate your discomfort. Chiropractors are trained to diagnose vertebral subluxations—misalignments in your spine—and can provide treatment that aims to reduce pain, improve muscle and joint performance, optimize nerve function in your body and strengthen or enhance your overall quality of life. If you’re considering visiting a chiropractor in Little Falls, MN, it’s important to understand these top five benefits of chiropractic care.
1. Alleviate Your Pain Trained chiropractors understand how the various systems in your body relate to one another, which allows your chiropractor to determine where your back pain, headache, or joint soreness is coming from. Chiropractors usually deal with the underlying causes of pain so that patients can experience long-term relief. Typically, these types of pain are related to some type of joint displacement or misalignment that restricts the functioning of both the joint and associated muscles. Your chiropractor can adjust the restriction and make sure your spine is aligned correctly in order to alleviate pain.
2. Start Sleeping Better Do you have trouble sleeping? The body does most of its self-healing and repair while you sleep, and many chiropractic patients report that they experience severe pain overnight that makes it difficult for them to get a full night’s rest. Other patients have great anxiety that leads to sleeplessness, increased brain activity, and a heightened heart rate. Chiropractic care can address your pain and anxiety by treating the cause of the symptoms that may be keeping you from sleeping well throughout the night.
3. Make Exercise Easier Chronic pain makes it difficult to be active. Thus, many patients suffering from decreased mobility seek chiropractic care. In turn, an inactive lifestyle can lead to further pain and a lower range of motion. One of the greatest benefits of chiropractic care is that it can make it easier for you to exercise once again. Many chiropractic patients find themselves able to begin regular exercise regimens after receiving adjustments and following through with their treatment plans. Chiropractic care also indirectly offers mental and emotional benefits, as some patients who were discouraged by their pain feel rejuvenated and motivated once their symptoms start to lessen.
4. Reduce Your Dependency on Medication Though drugs, surgeries, and invasive treatments are highly common in today’s medical environment, many patients still prefer natural methods of treatment. Because chiropractic adjustments can reduce pain, patients often find that they no longer need the medications they have become accustomed to taking. In many cases, pain medications have negative side effects that can also aggravate the conditions causing your pain. Eliminating these medications from your life may have a positive impact on your entire body. Of course, a wise chiropractor will recommend that you consult with your prescribing medical doctor before you make ANY changes to your prescription use.
5. Enjoy Less Stress and an Improved Quality of Life
Recurring pain is stressful enough—and when you consider the way it affects your entire quality of life, it’s easy to see why it’s so important to find care for yourself that will truly address the source of your symptoms. Chiropractic treatment often alleviates pain and helps many patients return to their typical lifestyles. When you’re able to continue doing the things you enjoy and you have the physical capabilities you need to live an active lifestyle, you’ll most likely be less stressed and happier.
Dr. DeAnn Adams of Paradox Chiropractic in Little Falls, MN is licensed to offer chiropractic care in Minnesota and received her Doctorate of Chiropractic training from Northwestern College of Chiropractic in 1998. She is certified in a number of chiropractic treatment techniques and adjunctive therapies.